Casual diary of a random citizen

3 min readMar 4, 2021


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

I am a random citizen and this will by all means be a very random diary; a random and not continuously kept diary. The reason behind this diary is to share and hopefully normalize the fact that not everyday has to a day when we get a praise or critique; are happy or sad; feel accomplished or sluggish, and on and on. Since the pandemic, I have found out that this “boring” randomness that follows my days has in fact been a rewarding experience and an awakening towards the realization that not doing much might just mean that you are actually doing a lot, for you. I am indeed a random citizen, my life is no more boring nor more exciting than that of my neighbors In fact, I have been working hard to instill some sort of common sense into myself to appreciate the little things and to take a break after a long chase. With a mentally demanding job, I find that spending time just sitting in the couch for 2 hours is actually a much better thing (for me) than engaging in any activity. So yes, if you decide to follow up on my causal diary, there is a good chance that you might be reading of a wonderful time when I sat on my couch and did nothing or just listened to music or just re-watch some random episode of The Office (as the dedicated fan that I am).

Since the start of the pandemic and the continuous ups and downs that have come along with it, I have been fortunate to be able to continue working from home. I love spending time in my house. It is a very safe and calming place for me, an introvert, where I can recharge and keep going. That said, a certain portion of my days continues to be dedicated to work, just from another setting than the office. I like to think that we have done a good job in our house to keep ourselves occupied and entertained as the lockdowns have come and gone but as we enter the year (frankly it feels surreal that it has been a year almost) since all of this started, I figured keeping a causal diary might be a fun new venture, considering I have never kept a diary in my life. I decided to keep it casual as I have a tendency to walk away from things that become very repetitious after a while, as my goal here is to keep it fun and not turn it into an obligatory task that I need to do at some point during the day.

I live in a rather large city, so the goal is to safely get out in open space and do random things like take a photo, visit a cool park or place or go for a walk. More importantly, I live in a city that is just a short drive from one of the most beautiful mountain ranges, The Rocky Mountains and the possibilities there are literally endless. The best part of it is that with so many trails and places to choose from, chances of getting to a place where you can avoid crowds are quit high. I am an avid hiker and being in the mountains is always very refreshing and a wonderful way to detach from the city and recharge in the fresh air and the breathtaking views.

What I do hope though, is that if you come across my casual diary, that you will also share something from your day, something large or something small, that made you happy or sad. If anything, this past year I have realized that we had been so busy prior to the pandemic that we did not talk much and did not share much and just carried on with the good and the bad news.

So here it goes.

